Shark Tank's Daymond John thinks parents should give their kids stock in companies they love as a way to make them money smart. We agree!!!
In a Money magazine article "Shark Tank's Daymond John Shares Most Exciting Investment" , Daymond talks about buying his Tonka truck-loving grandson a toy Caterpillar truck and shares of Caterpillar stock at the same time and capture both with him in a photo. Then, six or seven years later, show him the photo so he can compare the value of his stock versus the value of that toy truck.
Clever idea, but the photo requires some representation of the stock. For some reason, holding a picture of a stock brokerage statement just won't do the trick. That's where GiveAshare comes in.
GiveAshare makes it very easy to buy a stock gift AND get the framed stock certificate which is critical to grabbing a child's attention. That's just the beginning. By hanging it on the wall, you keep it front and center. Then, each shareholder mailing like a dividend check, annual report, or invite to a shareholder meeting becomes a learning opportunity.
Daymond will be happy to hear that Caterpillar is on our stock list along with 150 other world famous companies to choose from.
The article goes on to cover Daymond's new children's book, "Little Daymond Learns To Earn" intended to teach kids how to start their own business. He tries to buck conventional thinking that the only way to get ahead is to get a college degree and rack up student loan debt in the process. He says his unique book "strays from the industrial old system of work and promotes creating careers for ourselves".
Again, Daymond is speaking our language. We worked in the corporate environment for years before we started GiveAshare.com and it's the best thing we ever did.
Cheers to Daymond! We welcome his push to improve financial literacy in our kids. It is sorely needed and worth the effort.
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